Bacryptup is an end-to-end encrypted file sharing service
You can upload files either anonymously (limit 25MB per file)
Files uploaded are deleted after a set time
Steps to upload:
- Enter password to encrypt with (IMP: If you forget this, you will not be able to decrypt your file)
- Choose the file to upload (max sure it is in the size limit)
- Click upload!
You must take a note of the FileID that is returned to you. The FileID alone
cannot be used to decrypt the file. The correct password must be specified as well.
There is no "link" to share files - this is intentional. Additionally, it is recommended to communicate the FileID and password over seprate channels.
- Anonymous files are deleted within 1 hour or 1 day as of now
The total combined anonymous storage limit is 1GB (as of now). If this is full, you must wait till files
are deleted
Paid plans with dedicated storage will be announced soon.
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Bacryptup uses end to end encryption to ensure no one can read / view the content of the files you
The password you enter is used to encrypt the files so that the server does not know the contents.
Read on to know the exact steps that occur
- The password is converted into a AES-256bit key (and corresponding IV) using a Password-based key
derivation function
- The file is encrypted (in the browser) with this key
- The encrypted file and the IV is sent to the server, where the file is stored
- The serer returns a fileID to use to retireve the file at a later time
The password is NEVER sent to the server. Without this the server cannot decrypt or know what the file
contents are. The fileID alone cannot be used to download and view the decrypted file, the correct
password is necessary.
[click anywhere to close]
It seems, as we make more progress and technological advances, privacy online is reducing. Companies try
and harvest as much data as possible, often going as far as reading private messages (Facebook Messenger
was one to do this).
Sharing files online has always been either risky or inconvenient.
Those quick anonymous upload websites work - but who knows what they do with your files? It's fine if
maybe you want to share an mp3 or something (Dont though - its illegal).
But if its something sensitive - such as an admission letter, or bank receipt, those websites could
easily grab that data, even if they claim to "delete it" after 'x' time.
You could use a more "established" service - such as Google Drive, One Drive or just emailing. However,
these options still don't actually encrypt the file - it may be safe from random people, though it
Google (and other) still have the ability to view the contents.
Bacryptup is different - the files are encrypted in your browser - the server never gets a
plaintext copy. Sure, you may think I could just make a copy? Well, even if I did (which I do not), I
cannot read the contents, without the password. This is the beauty of end to end encryption.
In fact, you can view the source code for the server side logic here. (Sorry if it's messy, the codebase
hasn't been polished yet.)
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